Here are Prowin Consulting we offer a wide & varied list of training Services.

Here’s the full list of what we offer…

1. Award for license premises staff.
2. Bulling and harassment awareness.
3. Care certificate.
4. Care planing.
5. Catheterization awareness.
6. Challenging behaviour awareness.
7. Communication and record keeping.
8. Complaints handling awareness.
9. Concussion awareness.
10. Corona virus awareness and infection control.
11. COSHH awareness.
12. Dementia care.
13. Diabetes awareness.
14. Diet and nutrition.
15. Dignity, privacy and respect awareness.
16. Disability awareness.
17. Duty of candour.
18. Duty of care awareness.
19. Emergency first aid awareness.
20. Epilepsy awareness.
21. Equality and diversity.
22. Fall prevention.
23. Fire safety awareness.
24. Food safety level 2 awareness.
25. Food safety level 3 awareness.
26. GDPR awareness.
27. HACCP awareness.
28. Health and safety awareness.
29. Infection control awareness.
30. Infection control advanced in care awareness.
31. Loss and bereavement awareness.
32. Managing people awareness.
33. Manual handling of inanimate objects awareness.
34. Medication awareness.
35. Medication advanced awareness.
36. Mental capacity act and deprivation of liberties awareness.
37. Mental health awareness.
38. Moving and handing of people awareness.
39. Oral health.
40. Palliative and end of life care.
41. Person centered care awareness.
42. Pressure sores awareness.
43. RIDDOR awareness.
44. Risk assessment awareness.
45. Safeguarding adults awareness.
46. Self-harm awareness.
47. Sepsis awareness.
48. Stress awareness.
49. Staff appraisal skills.
50. Verification of death.

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